This article contains general questions related to our payments in Grover.
When is my first payment due?
Your first payment is taken when you checkout to confirm the order and prepare for shipment.
What is my payment schedule?
Your payment due date is determined by the date you receive your product. If you receive your product on June 1, your payment schedule will be set to the first of the month. We don't have the ability to adjust the payment date manually. This will apply to your second payment onward.
How will my payment appear on my statement?
Banks generally report payments as “” or the order number (Generally an 8 digit number starting with the letter R, Ex: R12345678)
How do I change or add my payment method?
You can follow our directions to update your payment method in this article.
What happens if one of my payments fails?
We automatically reattempt any failed payment 5 days after the due date. If you’re experiencing an issue paying for a subscription, check this article to learn how you can resolve it.